Sonnet #10

On this day, if it’s loneliness you feel,
I’ll be with you as your devoted friend.
On this day, if you don’t know what is real,
I’ll give you truth that no one can amend.
On this day, if sadness overcomes you,
I’ll give you joy and comfort in my arms.
On this day, if you don’t know what to do,
I’ll give guidance and shelter you from harm.
On this day, if you are feeling left out,
I’ll let you in, no condition or shame.
On this day, if you don’t need me about,
I’ll let you free, no imposition or blame.
For what you’ve given me, I can’t repay,
But my love is yours, this and every day.

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Who you are

You are not the air but float in the breeze
You are not the Sun but radiant heat
You are the rustle waiting in the trees
You are the journey contained in your feet
Come to the end of your silent wanting
Step from the corner your self created
Live the prayer of your own inspiration
As it lives outside the ego sated
The rushing water contains great power
To destroy a place beyond perception
The still water reveals the farthest depths
And the clearest face upon reflection
In the flicker of the first evening star
Is the luminescence of who you are


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Celebrate life

Celebrate life for it is unending
You live and you die a privileged guest
There is no concept that’s worth defending
Express what you love and forget the rest

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First Post

Like a desert bloom after a spring rain
Joy encircles you, abundant and whole
Yet amongst the wildflowers you sit
Decrying the isolation of your soul

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